Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Why Do You Have Those Flying Pests?

We are all plagued in certain environments by unwanted visitors of the flying kind in the evenings. We won’t mention the unwanted neighbours that “fly” in at the worst times. In spite of insects being an absolute nuisance, each and every one has a job to do on this earth. Not! To spoil your evening.

Pest control is a serious issue in many circles and proper pest management is the only way to preserve your sanity. Environmental science has gone a long way in educating pest control specialists and exterminators on ways to help Mother Nature. Not always completely eliminating species, but certain humane ways of pest control. For instance, owls eat rats and mice if one uses a deadly poison this will eliminate many, many owls. Owls are important in the natural clean up chain Mother Nature has. Insects need environmental protection as much as any other creature on this planet.

There are manufacturers who manufacture insecticide and pesticides that are repellents or simply poisonous. Many people believe in natural ways to deal with insects. Growing certain plants such as Citronella, Rosemary, Marigolds and others help repel insects from areas. Simultaneous growth of certain plants benefits or helps the other very often.

If you find you are under siege and cannot understand why, having eliminated all possible nesting and other attractions by doing a self fumigation. Perhaps it’s time to call a professional and have a proper pest inspection of the problem area.

Make notes over several days of where and when pests accumulate. Researching and identifying creatures is helpful. This will assist the pest control specialists in eliminating causes and save you time and money.

By having a professional inspection done you may be surprised to find other pests you were completely unaware of. The pest control may point out other problems such as a need for flea, ant, fly, rodent and even pigeon control that need attention. There are various ways of dealing with these invasions such as rat poisoning and traps, pesticides and netting to eliminate birds on buildings.

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